Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka
First Year B.Sc. (Nursing) (Basic)
Degree Examination- March 2009
Physiology & Biochemistry
Q.P. Codes 1677 and 1678
Revised Scheme
(Note : Both QP Codes 1677 and 1678 are to be answered within total of 3 hours)
Q.P. Code 1677 - Section A - Physiology (40 Marks)
Your answer shall be specific to the question asked
Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary.
Long Essay (Answer any one)
- What is meant by erythropoiesis? What are the dirrerent stages of Erythropoiesis? And what ate the factors necessary for Erythropoiesis
- Mention the names of salivary glands and what is the composition and functions of salivary juice?
Short Essays (Answer any four)
- Mention any two bleeding disorders and explain any one of them.
- Surfactant
- Describe the conducting system of the heart
- Explain a reflex arc with the help of a diagram
- Explain nerve supply to urinary bladder. Add a note on micturition reflex.
Short Answers
- Name functions of Rods and Cones
- Explain negative feed back mechanism with the help of an example
- Mention the primary organ of sex in male and female
- Name the muscle proteins
- List the functions of nasal cavity
Q.P. Code : 1678 - Section B - Biochemistry (40 Marks)
Use separate answer book
Long Essay (Answer any one)
- Krebs citric acid cycle is the final common pathway of metabolism. Justify the statement, describe the cycle.
- Give the sources, functions, deficiency manifestations and requirement of vitamin C
Short Essays (Answer any four)
- Name the ketone bodies. Give their formation and fate.
- Describe the digestion of proteins. How are the amino acids absorbed?
- Outline the β-oxidation of fatty acids. Give the energy formed from oxidation of palmitic acid.
- What are transaminases? Give the reactions and clinical applications.
- Role of kidney in acid-base balance.
Short answers
- Name and indicate the role of two hormones that regulate blood glucose levels
- Coenzyme forms of vitamin B6 and nicotinic acid
- Tests for detection of glucose and fructose in urine
- Normal serum levels of cholesterol and calcium
- Rickets : cause and prevention